In 2011 several food pantries and meal programs came together to do whatever we could to help those who are food insecure in Rockland County, NY. Since that time we have provided millions of pounds of food to more than 40 food pantries and meal programs in Rockland.  We do this EVERY DAY.

Our 2 Major Programs:

RCAH Food Recovery

EVERY DAY we recover hundreds to thousands of pounds of fresh food from local supermarkets, farms, farmers’ markets, bakeries, and other food sources and distribute this food directly to over 30 food pantries and meal programs. Learn more.


EVERY WEEK we receive and distribute thousands of pounds of healthy nutritious food from the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley and the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. Learn more.


The RCAH Food Recovery Program recovers food from over 20 supermarkets, retail chains, bakeries and farms, and distributes directly to over 30 food pantries and meal programs throughout Rockland County EVERY DAY!

This Program is a true collaboration, coordinated by TOUCH, with staff from BRIDGES, Meals on Wheels & Martin Luther King Multi-Purpose Center.  Since the beginning of the pandemic we have recovered and distributed over 750,000 pounds of food. Over 85,000 in April 2021 alone!


In 2011, RCAH began its GET FRESH Program. Every month we distribute over 40,000 pounds of healthy food from the Regional Food Bank of NE NY and the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley to member food pantries and meal programs in Rockland County.

Since the pandemic began in March 2020, we accelerated this program where we now receive and distributing food to these food pantries and meal programs every week!

Hudson Valley Food Bank Truck